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Information About the Different Types of Fireworks
The most commonly known type of firework, when launched into the air the Rocket can climb to an enormous height. Depending on the type of rocket used, some can reach 30 - 60 metres before exploding with a loud bang (also known as a report).
Roman Candle
Roman Candles are typically made up of a cardboard outer casing and filled with individual balls which shoot out stars periodically after ignition. As with rockets, Roman Candles can be used both individually and as part of a Cake. Roman Candles can expel stars in just a single colour or a variety of colours. A number of noise effects are available for these fireworks, including hummers and crackles.
Fountains are a great option for those who want to experience the beautiful visual element of a firework but without the loud and often surprising sound effects, such as bangs and whistles. Fountains are so-called as, once lit, they release a shower of sparks. The size of the Fountain container will dictate the size of the shower and how long it will last - some Fountains can last for several minutes in total.
Catherine Wheel
Catherine Wheels get their name from St. Catherine who, according to legend, was to be martyred upon a spinning wheel. The noise effects associated with Catherine Wheels include crackles and whistles, which are emitted as the coil spins. Catherine Wheels are great to watch on their own but they can also be set up in different arrangements.
The effect of a Mine firework may be short-lived but it is certainly dramatic and spectacular. Also known as 'pot á feu', the mine is shot from a mortar shell at ground level and shoots coloured stars into the sky with a variety of flashes and bangs. Mines are generally the loudest of all fireworks, with noise levels sometimes reaching as high as 120 decibels.
Cakes consist of a group of fireworks that can be set off in succession, allowing for a totally customised mini display in one small package. They generally consist of Rockets, Roman Candles or a mix of both. Cakes utilise an internal fuse system that allows the fireworks to ignite automatically, either all at once or in a pre-determined order. Many Cakes will simply last for several seconds, whilst some packages may fire for minutes at a time, with some containing in excess of a thousand tubes. Many professional displays will employ so-called finale cakes, which contain batches of shells and can often weigh over one hundred pounds prior to being fired!
Barrage fireworks are pre-packed, ready Cakes that contain a mixture of firework types to create their own unique effect. It's no surprising that these are some of the most popular firework products in the UK, as they allow people to purchase a brilliant display in one small package. As with Cakes, Barrages may contain a mix of fireworks, including Mines and Roman Candles. In a nutshell, people wishing to run their own display can purchase several Barrages and simply ignite one at a time for a pre-prepared fireworks extravaganza.
Sparklers consist of a small, handheld metal stick which, when lit, emits a constant stream of sparks. Modern varieties may be constructed from wood with a paper tube attached and, when lit, emit sparkles that change colour thanks to using different ingredients.
Video Examples
Category 2 Firework Minimum Safety Distance 8 Metres
Fountain (Brothers Krazy Klock) Effect Height 2 Metres

Category 3 Firework Minimum Safety Distance 25 Metres
Multishot Barrage Effect Height 20 Metres

Video of 36 shot
Silver tail to red peony coconut pistil to blue peony coconut pistil - specially chosen from our supplier in China, January 2013